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INTEC And Njang Shimah}
Monday, July 8, 2013 | 11:08 AM | 0Comment Assalamualaikum OK, FAST ENTRY. Sebenarnya aku teramat malu ank menulis blog lam library ni. Teramatlah senyap dan aku rasa diperhatikan. OK, shut up! Njang Shimah dah meninggal dunia, kembali ke rahmat ALLAH, semalam. Pagi. Pukul 9. Al-Fatihah. Actually, I perform solat Dhuha at 8.00 something. I prayed, so that Allah will place Njang at the great place, together with those who beloved by HIM. Yeah, I know. I remembered. When Tok Wan died, I was the one who pray the same. He's in ICU, about the same case. I don't know, but I've the instict, that he n she will die, immediately. Or, some times I pray, I can feel that they're almost leaving me. I still remembered. I'd perform solat Asar on that time. And he was lying.. silently.. on his bed. And I pray... "O, Allah, if you'll take him in instance, please give him the best place beside YOU.. Make him together with the one that YOU love. If he has chances to live, then give him some times to strenghten his iman, so that he still can be proud to be YOUR abd." And I went upstairs... Mak lang grabbed my elbow. I felt... weird. Is IT?? "Husna, tok wan died, just now..." And, guess what, she's rite. People were crying.. sobbing... and leaning their face downwards. I feel sad, cause I pray for it. But, I know, deep in my heart, if I'm not praying so, if his ajal is there, then he will just gone. Not becoz of me. I just feell.. I don't now.. I've realised, my doa for anyone else always come true. Subhanallah... Alhamdulillah... All praise for Him. And, about Njang.. Her talk, she spoke to me. Suck lovely words.. Warming, Calming.. "Maila cium pipi tok njang ni.. Yang ni ja yang ada pun.. Nanti tak tau jumpa lagi ka dakk.." Her warm cheeks meet mine. And the last one, her kiss.. Her lips touching my cheek. I almost cried, tears inside my heart. No one gonna do that. It's not that long... It's just, CALMING.. I prayed Dhuha. When it's time for dua, I felt the same. Just the same when I pray for tok wan. And she's also gone. Allah loves her more, everyone know that. What I can just say is, I love her because of Allah. Uhibbuki fillah abadan abada. AL-FATIHAH... |