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Saturday, August 4, 2012 | 9:58 AM | 0Comment Terbaaeek Harry Potter semalam.... :) Assalamualaikum.. Choosing the pic up there is just bcoz of Harry Potter's movie last nite. Lama gila tak tulis di blog, ni pun buka sebab lama tak menulis. Salah satu sebab pilih gambar Mr. Potter kat atas tu pun sebab baru dapat parut Voldemort kat dahi ni. Langgar pintu punya pasal, dapat scar Harry Potter free. Tapi best gak, banyak pengalaman dapat. Sebelum tu nak cerita, dapat PLKN tahun ni. So, rancangan untuk jai pengusaha keychain part time tu terganggu la sikit. Hanya boleh dijalankan 3 bulan. Untung maybe RM 1000 sebulan, dalam perkiraanlah. Alhamdulillah, rasa cam PLKN ni mungkin menjadi titik tolak untuk dapat keyakinan diri, untuk menyerlahkan diri yang sebenarnya. Actually, diri ni suka menyerlah, tapi di sekolah tu, don't know why, I didn't get the real me. Sebenarnya angan-angan besar, keberanian besar, tapi something yg block minda ni. Insyaallah, akan cuba reveal the real Husna, loved to be noticed and speaking in front of others. Shocking, isn't it? Yes, that's the real me. Nanti bila kat luar lepas SPM, banyak cabaran kat luar tu. The peoples, environment, and I think maybe I'll get to know myself a bit sooner. Friends.. Kawan2 kat SMKAY ni takkan lupa, walau ada yang tak berapa rapat. Tapi hati ni sayang sebenarnya, sayang nak tinggal kawan2, takut jumpa yang 'mean'. Sekarang un sedang cuba membiasakan diri dengan English, yang sebenarnya waktu sekolah rendah dulu dah confidence cakap English cuma tinggal lama. I lurve you FRIENDS!! And the nitemares- SPM TRIAL EXAMINATION and the real SPM ! Actually, I'm not reall got the confidence to face it, as I didn't have much time to study every subject thoroughly. And the cause is, lots and lots of HOMEWORKS! This really gave me headaches, as most of those homeworks are BM subjects! Feelin' like I wanna face the Great Principle, please stop asking the teachers to give us homework, as we know that you're the one who asked them to give tons of homeworks to us. But never mind, I always take it positively, just my heart refusing it to do so. Anyway, my trial SPM target will be 8 A, aminnn.. Pray for me, ok. It just.. I'm kinda afraid if I couldn't make it, couldn't ready enough to face it. Coz, I really need to finish studying those killer subject in the house. Bcoz, it is extremely busy at SMKA with all the seminars, jihad Ramadhan, and the night will be the time to finish those homeworks. Guess, when will we do our real study? Anytime, every single minute that we can find.. Never mind, I'll be ok ! Insyaallah, pray 4 me! That's all! Spread salam.. assalamulaikum.. |