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Great News For Muslimah!}
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 | 3:33 PM | 0Comment

When she was a cute girl AND daughter, she OPENS a dor of JANNAH for her father..
When she is a wife, she completed half of the DEEN (agama) of her husband
When she was a MOTHER... Jannah is under her feet...

To mother, or mother-will-be, be tough to handle your cutey..cutey.. children. Do it because of ALLAH. And make sure that you give them lots of love.. And make sure they'll do love ALLAH so much. So that you can be happy in Jannah sooner.. 

And please.. Never stay quiet IF they broke Allah's rules.. For example, make sure they wear the TRUE hijab, starting from they REACH PUBERTY. Because they will give you lots of SINS if you ignore that!

Insya Allah... Let's do it!